Sunday, November 4, 2012

After the storm...

Hopefully everyone made it through Hurricane Sandy unharmed!  On behalf of everyone in Pack 118, we'd like to send our thoughts and prayers to those in New Jersey, New York, and other storm ravaged areas who suffered greatly and who are still suffering.  It's a good time for us to remember to count our blessings...

This Tuesday (election day!) there is no school for WBES students.  We are still hoping to have meetings as usual.  We are waiting official word from Mrs. Mucha as to if we can use the school or not, but in the past it has not been an issue.  Please contact your den leader if you are unsure of the status of Tuesday's meeting. 

This week kicks off our first 2 camp fundraisers!!  Amy Gray (assistant webelos 1 den leader) is a Scentsy candle consultant and has generously set us up to sell her products as a camp fundraiser.  Packets are ready to go out and candles are ready to be sold!  Amy will be around to meetings on Tuesday with the packets and to give out additional information.  Scouts will earn 25% of what they sell to put toward summer camp!!  These are amazing candles and make GREAT holiday gifts!

Our second fundraiser will be held this coming Saturday, November 10.  This is the PTG's vendor fair and Pack 118 will have a table set up.  Last year we sold our corn heating pads and made almost $500!!  This year we have some heating pads left as well as some "gifts in a jar".  (Think cookie making ingredients) Boys that attend on Saturday will be given a share of the profits to put toward their summer camp tuition.  If you are interested in having your scout "work", please let Amy LaRoche know at  The fair runs from 9-2 at the elementary school.  We will need boys to help set up around 8am, man the table from 9-2 (in hour or so increments) and to help clean up until about 3pm.  Remember that Tigers need to have a parent present!  Even if you don't want to help us with our table, come check out the fair and support our elementary school! 

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