Saturday, November 24, 2012

Pack Updates

We have a few "housekeeping" items that we just want to make sure everyone knows...

--Scentsy fundraisers are due this Tuesday, the 27th.  All order forms and payments are due at this time.  Remember that your scout will earn 25% of his total sales toward his summer camp tuition.  Scentsy products make great gifts too! 

--West Brookfield is holding it's annual White Christmas on Sunday, December 2nd and the pack will once again hold it's bake sale at the school.  We are in need of families to bake goods for us to sell.  If you are willing to help, we ask that you please wrap items individually to help make them easier to sell and bring them up to the school around noon.  We will also be selling our leftover gifts in a jar as well as corn packs.  We will also need boys to help us sell our goods.  If you are interested in doing so, you may comment on this blog or email Ryan at  This event runs from 12-3 so boys can work in small 1/2 hour to 1 hour shifts.  This bake sale will also go toward summer camp. 

--Cub Scout Couriers will be in the mail within a day or 2 so please be watching your mailboxes.  If you prefer to have it emailed to you, please let Amy know at

--Again we'd like to thank Corey Buzzell from Elite Martial Arts in Spencer for helping us out at our pack event this past week.  We want to remind everyone that he has offered our boys a FANTASTIC deal for the Christmas season!!  He is offering 6 weeks of classes for only $69!!!  AND....if you sign up for these online, he will donate that entire fee back to the pack!!  Please visit his website for more information. 

Also be sure to check out our Respect Wall in the hallway!!

--Our Extreme Neckerchief Makeover has begun.  Sheets were passed out at our pack event but more are still available.  Den leaders will have them at upcoming den meetings if you are interested.  Basically, we're asking scouts, siblings, parents, etc to help us design a new neckerchief for Pack 118.  We think it's time for an update and we want everyone to be involved. 

--Pack 118 will be attending at Worcester Sharks ice hockey game on January 19.  Ticket order forms will be available at upcoming den meetings. 

--Lastly, while we appreciate everyone who donated toys for our toy drive, our box is still on the empty side!  We will continue to collect new, unwrapped toys for the next couple weeks.  Simply bring them to your den meeting and give them to your den leader.  All toys stay in the West Brookfield area and help bring a smile to children's faces Christmas morning. 

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