Monday, January 28, 2013

Blue and Gold RSVP List

As promised, here's our current list of what families are bringing to the Blue and Gold on Saturday.  If you are not yet on the list and are planning on attending, please email Ryan at to RSVP. 

The Long Family---pasta salad
The Atwood Family--asparagus rolls
The Churchill Family--spanish rice
The Otero Family--pork shoulder
The Wetteland Family--meatballs
The Lucia Family--Salad
The Czaja Family--salad or italian sandwich
The St. Francis Family--baked pasta
The Bousquet Family--sweet & sour kielbasa
The Moran Family--chicken pot pie
The Osborne Family--sweet & sour kielbasa
The LaRoche Family--baked beans & broccoli salad
The Routhier Family--mac & cheese
The Mazzarese Family--salad
The Sickenberger Family--Strawberry salad

Thank you to everyone who has signed up!  Remember this event is being held Saturday, February 2, from 5-8pm at the WB Elementary School.  Hope to see everyone there!

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