Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Space Derby 2013!!

Only a week to go before our much anticipated Space Derby 2013!!  Hopefully all the boys have gotten their rockets started.  If not, start now!  They don't take long to make, but it's not a night before type of project.  If you notice that you are missing pieces or if you simply need some help putting the motor together, bring your rocket to the school at 6pm on race day so someone can help you.  We are hoping to start right at 6:30 to keep things on time, but we can't do that if we're putting together everyone's rockets.  Please come early for assistance!!  Don't forget to check our previous post for step by step directions that might help you as well. 
Our spirit stick will be awarded to the den that has the fastest rocket, eliminating one single boy as a "winner".  Any boy who does his best and builds his rocket is a winner!!  No trophies or awards will be given out.  (We know that some boys need to be told this ahead of time in order to curb disappointment!) We expect that everyone will show good sportsmanship so that everyone will have a great time!! 

Our Blue and Gold Banquet is coming up on February 2nd.  We are holding a potluck meal as we have in years past.  We have begun compiling a list of what families will be bringing and ask that everyone attending please email Ryan ( to let him know how many people will attend for your family and what your dish will be.  An updated list will be posted here soon. 

Good luck everyone!  See you Tuesday night!

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