Monday, January 7, 2013

Upcoming Events

This is just a quick reminder about some of our upcoming events. 

Saturday, January 19th at 7pm is the Scout night at the Worcester Sharks game.  We only have 4 families signed up to go, but it's going to be a great time anyway.  Ryan will be picking up the tickets on Friday and will pass them out to everyone next week. 

Tuesday, January 22 at 6:30 is our Space Derby!  Hopefully everyone has started working on the rockets by  now.  Please see our previous post for detailed directions on how to do that.  Please remember that we're using 3 elastics in the rocket! 

Saturday, February 2 at 5pm is our Annual Blue and Gold Banquet.  We're having a pot luck dinner again this year and are beginning to compile our list of dishes.  Please comment on this post or email Ryan at with the dish you'd like to contribute.  We are looking for meals and side dishes.  No desserts or beverages please! 

Keep checking back for more detailed information as the events draw near.  If you haven't already, check your email for the January edition of the Cub Scout Courier.  It was emailed out this month so information would arrive in time for the boys to work on their rockets.  February's newsletter will once again be mailed to everyone who usually receives it that way. 


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