Sunday, January 29, 2012

Blue and Gold Banquet

A very special reminder that our Blue and Gold Banquet, which celebrates the birth of cub scouting, is this coming Saturday, February 4, 2012 from 5:30-8pm at Quaboag High School.  The meal is potluck and each den has a sign up sheet for everyone to sign in on (whether you are going or not).  If you prefer not to bring a dish, no problem!  There will be a cost of $20 per family which can be paid at the door on Saturday.  We are asking that everyone submit a recipe so we can compile our own cookbook!  Hope everyone is looking forward to a night of celebrating everything cub scouts!  Any questions, please email Ryan at

Forgot what you signed up to bring?  Want to see what others are already signed up for?  Check out our blue and gold banquet page to the right and see the list of what we have so far.  You can email Ryan your head count and dish if you'd like as well.  We hope to see everyone there! 

Keep an eye on your mailboxes!  The February Cub Scout Courier is being mailed out tomorrow morning!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Pinewood Derby

Everyone should have received a Pinewood Derby kit by now.  If you haven't, please talk to your den leader ASAP!  Our pinewood derby is scheduled for Saturday, March 24.  We will be having a check in night on Friday the 23rd where we ask that everyone come by with their car, get it weighed, and get it's official number.  We will hold the cars until the following day so they stay safe and sound.  We've found that this cuts a lot of time off our derby and allows for more racing time!! Our official rules and guidelines can be found on our "pack 118 official pinewood derby rules" page to the right.  Flyers will be going home with our February Cubscout Courier as well.  These take a lot of time and effort, so it's best not to wait until the week before to start. 

Also, on March 10 the boys have the opportunity to race their car (if it's done by then) in the District Pinewood Derby.  It's a good way for the boys to see how well their car does against other scouts in our area.  We don't have all the info on that yet, but as soon as we get it we will pass it along.  Last year pack 118 brought home quite a few trophies! 

Don't forget our blue and gold is Feb 4th.  We're still looking for people to sign up with their den leaders, so please make sure you are taking care of that!  If you'd rather, you can email Ryan at and let him know what dish you'll bring as well as how many guests are coming for your family. 

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sharks Game a GREAT TIME!!

Thanks to everyone who attended the Worcester Sharks game last night!  SHARKS WON 3-2 in overtime!  Hopefully all our scouts and family members had a great time!  How did you all like the cowbells?!!! A special thanks to the Paquette family for those!!!!  Anyone who took pictures, feel free to send them to Ryan and we'll post them on our photos page!

Another reminder that our Blue and Gold Banquet is only 2 weeks away!  If you haven't signed up on our sheets yet, please see your den leader this week, or email Ryan at  We need a head count, so the sooner you can let us know how many people are coming and what you'll be bringing, the better off we'll be.  An email will be going out to everyone with Blue and Gold flyer attached in case some of you haven't gotten the info yet.  Thanks everyone!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Here are a few updates for everyone!

Don't forget that Saturday is our Sharks game at 7pm at the DCU center in Worcester!  Everyone should have received their tickets by now and should be good to go.  Everyone should plan on getting to the game on your own, as we are not meeting up and all going together.  Our seats are all together, however, so boys can all sit with their friends.  Boys should all wear their uniforms as it is a scout night. 

Our Blue and Gold Banquet is coming up FAST--February 4th!  Sign up sheets are floating around at the den meetings, so please be sure to ask your den leader for them.  We are asking that every scout check in on the sheet so we won't have to wonder if you're coming or not.  It is either potluck, or pay at the door.  Please check out our "Blue and Gold" page to see what people have signed up for so far.  If you'd rather pay at the door, it is $20 per family and can be paid at the banquet.  We ask that everyone please bring in a recipe to contribute to our upcoming Pack 118 cookbook! 

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact your den leader or our Cubmaster!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Raingutter Regatta Tomorrow Night

Don't forget that our Raingutter Regatta is tomorrow night, at the school, 6:30pm!! Hopefully all the boys have worked on and finished their boats by now!  Please refer to the directions that came with the kit as well as the flier you received in the mail to construct your boat.  We will be racing these boats in actual raingutters!  It's going to be a great time!  Our wolves are the current spirit stick champions, and tomorrow night the other dens have a chance to steal!  This time we'll be holding a parent challenge to determine the winners of the coveted spirit stick! 

Also, we should have the Sharks tickets to hand out tomorrow as well. 

It's going to be a great time, so we hope to see everyone there!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Updates and reminders

Happy New Year everyone! 

We wanted to update everyone on something very special that most of you helped out with.  We got word yesterday that the Christmas Cards for Malia was a success!  She received over 3000 holiday greetings from all over the country!  It feels good knowing that we were a part of that number!  Thank you everyone!  She finds out later this week how her treatment went.  Keep this little girl in your prayers!

A HUGE reminder that all forms and money for the Sharks game is due NO LATER THAN NEXT TUESDAY, JANUARY 10th!!!  Forms and payment received after that date will not be accepted!  If you need more information, see either our previous posts or contact Ryan at

Don't forget to keep the feedback coming.  We have our committee meeting next week to decide on our Blue and Gold banquet and whether to do it pot luck or catered.  If you want a say in the matter, here's your chance!  Again, either comment on this post or email Ryan.  Thanks everyone!