Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Pinewood Derby

Everyone should have received a Pinewood Derby kit by now.  If you haven't, please talk to your den leader ASAP!  Our pinewood derby is scheduled for Saturday, March 24.  We will be having a check in night on Friday the 23rd where we ask that everyone come by with their car, get it weighed, and get it's official number.  We will hold the cars until the following day so they stay safe and sound.  We've found that this cuts a lot of time off our derby and allows for more racing time!! Our official rules and guidelines can be found on our "pack 118 official pinewood derby rules" page to the right.  Flyers will be going home with our February Cubscout Courier as well.  These take a lot of time and effort, so it's best not to wait until the week before to start. 

Also, on March 10 the boys have the opportunity to race their car (if it's done by then) in the District Pinewood Derby.  It's a good way for the boys to see how well their car does against other scouts in our area.  We don't have all the info on that yet, but as soon as we get it we will pass it along.  Last year pack 118 brought home quite a few trophies! 

Don't forget our blue and gold is Feb 4th.  We're still looking for people to sign up with their den leaders, so please make sure you are taking care of that!  If you'd rather, you can email Ryan at and let him know what dish you'll bring as well as how many guests are coming for your family. 

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