Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Here are a few updates for everyone!

Don't forget that Saturday is our Sharks game at 7pm at the DCU center in Worcester!  Everyone should have received their tickets by now and should be good to go.  Everyone should plan on getting to the game on your own, as we are not meeting up and all going together.  Our seats are all together, however, so boys can all sit with their friends.  Boys should all wear their uniforms as it is a scout night. 

Our Blue and Gold Banquet is coming up FAST--February 4th!  Sign up sheets are floating around at the den meetings, so please be sure to ask your den leader for them.  We are asking that every scout check in on the sheet so we won't have to wonder if you're coming or not.  It is either potluck, or pay at the door.  Please check out our "Blue and Gold" page to see what people have signed up for so far.  If you'd rather pay at the door, it is $20 per family and can be paid at the banquet.  We ask that everyone please bring in a recipe to contribute to our upcoming Pack 118 cookbook! 

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact your den leader or our Cubmaster!

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