Sunday, January 29, 2012

Blue and Gold Banquet

A very special reminder that our Blue and Gold Banquet, which celebrates the birth of cub scouting, is this coming Saturday, February 4, 2012 from 5:30-8pm at Quaboag High School.  The meal is potluck and each den has a sign up sheet for everyone to sign in on (whether you are going or not).  If you prefer not to bring a dish, no problem!  There will be a cost of $20 per family which can be paid at the door on Saturday.  We are asking that everyone submit a recipe so we can compile our own cookbook!  Hope everyone is looking forward to a night of celebrating everything cub scouts!  Any questions, please email Ryan at

Forgot what you signed up to bring?  Want to see what others are already signed up for?  Check out our blue and gold banquet page to the right and see the list of what we have so far.  You can email Ryan your head count and dish if you'd like as well.  We hope to see everyone there! 

Keep an eye on your mailboxes!  The February Cub Scout Courier is being mailed out tomorrow morning!

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