Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Updates and reminders

Happy New Year everyone! 

We wanted to update everyone on something very special that most of you helped out with.  We got word yesterday that the Christmas Cards for Malia was a success!  She received over 3000 holiday greetings from all over the country!  It feels good knowing that we were a part of that number!  Thank you everyone!  She finds out later this week how her treatment went.  Keep this little girl in your prayers!

A HUGE reminder that all forms and money for the Sharks game is due NO LATER THAN NEXT TUESDAY, JANUARY 10th!!!  Forms and payment received after that date will not be accepted!  If you need more information, see either our previous posts or contact Ryan at

Don't forget to keep the feedback coming.  We have our committee meeting next week to decide on our Blue and Gold banquet and whether to do it pot luck or catered.  If you want a say in the matter, here's your chance!  Again, either comment on this post or email Ryan.  Thanks everyone!

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