Sunday, December 22, 2013

Merry Christmas everyone!

Pack 118 would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy 2014!

Thank you all for attending our Christmas pack event this past Thursday.  We appreciate everyone's patience with the switching of the date.  A HUGE thank you to Santa for rearranging his very busy schedule for us as well!!  

During all the hustle and bustle that was the pack meeting, we felt that the boys didn't get the proper recognition for all their hard work.  Please read below for the list of the boys who have earned their bobcat badges.  

Jack A
Travis L
Issac G
James S
Richard T
Erik G
Kristofer M

Morgen S
Jacob S
Matthew C
Matthew C

Dominick C
Isaac G

Hunter S

Congratulations to not only our bobcat recipients, but to all of our boys on the hard work they've completed so far this scouting year.  

Boys received their Raingutter Regatta boat kits at this meeting.  If you did not attend the meeting, you will receive your boat (and your new neckerchief!) at your next den meeting.  The raingutter regatta pack meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 14 at our usual time, so don't wait too long to make the boats.  If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Ryan at

Monday, December 16, 2013


We just wanted to let everyone know that with the pending storm during the afternoon tomorrow,  December 17, we are going to move our pack meeting to Thursday, December 19th.  The time will remain the same, 6:30-7:30.  While the storm doesn't look too bad, we would rather everyone be safe.  There will be an email sent to everyone with this important information. 

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Christmas Pack Meeting Next Week

Our annual Christmas Pack Meeting will be held next Tuesday, December 17 from 6:30-7:30 at the West Brookfield Elementary School Cafeteria.  We will have an awards ceremony which will include a special bobcat ceremony; a pack-wide service project; our new neckerchiefs will be passed out; Santa will be there!  It's a fun time for the whole family, so we hope to see everyone there!

We will also have a special door prize--2 tickets to an upcoming Patriots game!  Every scout that walks through the door will be entered into our drawing, but additional tickets will be distributed to anyone who makes a donation to our camp cash fund.  The winner will be chosen at the end of our meeting.  You won't want to miss it!!

Monday, December 2, 2013

White Christmas in WB

We hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving this year!  

Cub Scout Couriers have all been mailed, emailed, or handed out, so watch your mailbox!  Our next pack event will be our holiday party on Tuesday, December 17th from 6:30-7:30.  

Our next event will be held this coming Sunday, December 8 from 12-3pm.  West Brookfield is hosting it's annual White Christmas in West Brookfield and Pack 118 plays a part in that.  We will have a bake sale at the school (in the back hallway) to help raise money for summer camp.  We are in need of baked goods to sell.  (We will also have leftover corn packs and cocoa jars)  We are also in need of scouts to come and help us sell the goods.  Any scout that comes up to help out for at least 1 hour will receive a portion of our profit to put toward summer camp tuition.  Please email Amy at if you are interested in volunteering.

If you would like to bake something for us to sell, Ryan will be at the school on Sunday at 11:30.  Goods may be dropped off any time after that.  If you cannot make it Sunday to drop goods off, but would still like to bake, please email Ryan at and he can arrange a time to get together. 

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email either of the above addresses.  We hope to see everyone on Sunday!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Thank you Pack 118!!

Thank you Pack 118 for a fun filled night of healthy snacks and fun exercise!  Kudos to our Webelos (Dan M, Nathen, Hunter, Domynic, and Alex) for being team leaders in our food group cooking contest.  Teams 1 and 2 tied for first place with 12 points, team 4 came in second with 10 points, and team 3 rounded it out with 9 points!!  Quite impressive was the teamwork and effort put into every dish!  Extra Kudos to our 3 judges who sampled each dish: Paul, Michelle, and Kim were very brave souls for volunteering!  

Our freeze dance game was just as much fun, especially for the bear den who are the proud winners of the Pack 118 Spirit Stick!  It was great to see the kids let loose dancing, and it was even better to see our fearless parents get out there as well.  Congrats to Tim Churchill who was our last adult standing!  

A pack meeting wouldn't be complete without thanking everyone involved.  Thank you to everyone who donated toys for our toy collection.  While we didn't fill our box, we are still helping families in town have a merrier Christmas.  We will continue to collect toys until our December pack event on December 17.  Thank you to our set up crew, including Nathen, Hunter, Domynic, Kyle, Owen, and Evan and thank you to the adults who helped clean up the "kitchens" after our cookoff and helped re-stack chairs and set up tables.  You guys are truly what helps keep this pack going strong. 

Check out these 2 short videos from our Freeze Dance game!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Pack event next week

A reminder to everyone that next Tuesday, November 19th is our monthly pack event.  We will host a family Health & fitness night from 6:30-7:30pm in the WBES cafeteria.  We will have some fun, physical activities as well as a healthy group cook-off.  The whole family is welcome to attend and join in the fun.  Scouts are asked to please wear their uniforms.  

Also, we will be collecting toys for the West Brookfield Elementary School.  Each year, they help out families in town who would otherwise not have gifts under the tree for Christmas.  We've had great success each year helping out this wonderful project.  So please, if you are in a position to do so, bring a new unwrapped gift to our meeting Tuesday to donate to a family in need.  

See you all then!!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Schedule of Events

At our committee meeting last week, our members got together and planned our events for the year.  You will receive all information in your monthly cub scout courier (you should have received your November edition already) but if you just can't wait to see what's in store, check out our schedule of events page!  Dates and times are always subject to change due to the approval from the elementary school, but our list will at least give you a rough idea.  

Don't forget our vendor fair is coming up on Saturday, November 9th from 9-2 at the school.  We are still in need of volunteers to help us sell our wares!  Every scout that volunteers for at least an hour will receive a camp cash certificate that he can put toward his scout camp tuition this summer.  If you'd like to volunteer, please email our camp coordinator, Amy, at  Can't volunteer this year?  No problem!  Come check us out and see what else is for sale!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Committee Meeting

Pack 118 will be holding a committee/leader meeting this coming Wednesday, October 30 from 6:30-7:30pm in the WBES Cafeteria.  If anyone is interested in joining our committee or just coming to see what we do, please feel free to join us!  We're looking for some new adults to join our crew so we can have fresh, fun ideas.  As a committee, we plan pack events, field trips, fundraisers, and much more!  Come check us out!!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Autumn Awesomeness=AWESOME!!

We'd like to thank everyone who came to our first pack event this past Tuesday!  Everyone's costumes looked fantastic and it seemed like all the boys had fun with the activities!  A special thank you to those that helped run our stations--without volunteers, the pack could not succeed!  If anyone has any pictures from Tuesday that you'd like to share, please send them to Amy at and we can post them here for everyone to see.  

The next event we have coming up is the WBES Vendor Fair which is being held on Saturday, November 9 from 9-2 at the school.  We had a station on Tuesday where the boys filled corn packs and made cocoa mix in jars.  We will be selling these items to help raise money for summer camp.  Any boy that volunteers an hour at the fair will receive pack 118 "camp cash" to put toward his camp registration fee.  We've done this the past 2 years and we've raised a total of almost $800!!  If you'd be interested in having your scout(s) help out, please email Amy at the above address and let her know.  We are asking that boys volunteer for at least 1 hour in order to  earn his "cash".  Time slots begin at 8:30am for set up and continue until 2:30pm for cleanup but we're only allowing 4 boys per hour.  If there's a time you'd prefer, sign up fast before it's taken.  Amy will also have the sign up sheet at the den meeting next week if anyone would like to sign up then.  Please feel free to ask any questions you may have.  

Thanks again everyone, and have a Happy, but safe, Halloween!!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Autumn Awesomeness!!

Our first pack meeting of the new scouting year will take place this coming Tuesday, October 22nd from 6:30pm-7:30pm in the West Brookfield Elementary School Cafeteria.  This will be our "Autumn Awesomeness" pack event where we will celebrate everything autumn--including Halloween!!  Kids (and adults!) are encouraged to wear their Halloween costume to help get in the spirit!  We will have games, crafts and other activities for everyone to participate in.  We will also be handing out any advancements that the boys earned at summer camp this past year.  As always, this is a family event so bring everyone along!  If you have any questions, you can contact our Cubmaster, Ryan LaRoche, at (508)867-8367 or email him at

Get ready to have an AWESOME time!!!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Mohegan Council Spook-o-ree

The first big scout event of the year is one that our Council puts on for all the cub scouts in surrounding towns.  This is a HUGE event every year but it is one that is tons of fun for the kids.  It's called the Spook-O-Ree and it's held at Treasure Valley Scout Reservation in Rutland.  (if you drive by the Black and White restaurant in Spencer, it's the second road on your left.  TVSR itself will be on your left hand side just after the National Grid station)  The cost is $8 per child (parents are free) and siblings are welcome to join in.  This is a pre-register only event, so we need to have your name and payment in by October 11 (by 9am) so we can meet the registration deadline.  Every child that attends will receive a special patch!
The event consists of many Halloween-themed stations set up around the Valley.  There are games, scout building exercises, mazes, and more.  Kids can go in costume as they do have "trick or treating" at every station, so they should also bring some type of bucket to put their loot in.  Last year they had a pumpkin catapult, haunted maze, dart throwing (at balloons), small crafts, and more.  They also have a small concession stand for anyone wishing to purchase some snacks.  The directors of this event have requested that no masks be worn and NO WEAPONS be brought in. 
The Spook-o-Ree runs from 3-8pm on Saturday, October 26.  It is a come whenever you want event, so you certainly don't have to plan on 5 hours!   Please let Ryan, our cubmaster, know if you are interested in attending or if you'd like more information at ASAP!!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Watch your mailboxes!

Now that registration is behind us, it's time for the real fun to begin!  Each month, we hold a pack event so the entire pack of scouts can come together to have some fun.  In order for us to get the information out to everyone, we will be mailing out monthly "Cub Scout Courier" newsletters with all the information you could ever need.  It will have a pack even flier on one side and other important information and updates on the other.  When you receive these, please take a moment to look it over so you'll be up to date on all our happenings.  If you'd prefer to receive these by email, please email Ryan LaRoche at and let him know.  The October edition of our newsletter will be hitting mailboxes early next week!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Welcome, new scouts & families!

Our 2013-2014 scout registration was a huge success!!  As of right now, we will be welcoming 6 brand new tigers as well as many new scouts from West Brookfield and beyond.  We are excited that you've joined pack 118 and hope that you are all excited as well.  If you haven't joined yet, or if you know of someone who might like to join, registration is ALWAYS open.  We encourage boys to join any time of the year--it's never too late--so please pass along Ryan's  We will have a table at open house tomorrow night, September 19, so come check us out!

It looks like all dens will be having their first meeting next Tuesday, September 24th.  Please check out your den's specific page (to the right) for detailed information, including den leader contacts.  We are hoping to have our pack meeting schedule ready to go shortly, so keep an eye on that page as well for even more fun!  

We did want to make everyone aware of an exciting event taking place this weekend in Sturbridge.  It isn't a scout event, but it is an outdoors event, it is free, and it is really cool!  It's the Massachusetts Outdoor Exposition and its held at Hamilton Rod and Gun Club in Sturbridge.  Click this link to see the full details.

Again, welcome to pack 118!!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Registration Dates

Registration for Pack 118 will be held on the following dates:

Saturday, September 14 from 8:30-11am down by the soccer shed at WBES

Tuesday, September 17 from 6-7pm in the WBES cafeteria with the girl scouts

Fees for the 2013-2014 scout year are as follows:

New scouts...$45 (this includes a hat and a neckerchief)
Returning Scouts...$30

**Pack 118 is always looking for adult volunteers to help as den leaders, assistant den leaders, and committee members.  If you are interested, please speak with Ryan during one of our registration dates!

Registration fees are required at the time of registration and may be paid with cash or a check written out to "Pack 118".  Once you have registered your scout(s), your den leader will contact you with information regarding the first den meeting date.   If you have any questions, please email our cubmaster at or call him at (508)867-8367

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Registration time!!

We wanted to let everyone know that registration time is just about here!  We are waiting for approval for our dates, but you can probably expect informational flyers to be sent home from school next week.  We will also post our registration information here for those boys that attend other schools.  If, in the meantime, you have any scout questions, please don't hesitate to email our cubmaster, Ryan LaRoche, at  or give him a call at (508)867-8367

We had a great turnout from pack 118 at summer camp.  Please check out the summer camp page for some pictures from day camp and webelos resident camp.  

We hope everyone is looking forward to an exciting year of scouting! 

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Another year over...

It's hard to believe another scouting year has come and gone.  We'd like to congratulate all our scouts on a job well done this year.  We'd also like to thank WBES and Mrs. Mucha for allowing us to use the school pretty much whenever we needed to.  Without her support, the scouting program would not be what it is.   As we look ahead, we wish Kai, John, and Tommy the best of luck as they join Boy Scout Troop 118 and begin their trail toward Eagle.  If anyone would like a copy of our year-end video, please let us know and we'll be happy to make a copy for you.

We have lots of boys attending summer camp this year, and for most of them, it's only a couple weeks away!!  Our webelos start WRC next Wednesday and our first day campers arrive July 8th.  We wish them the best camp experience ever and hope they have a great time!  If you need more information on camp, please see our summer camp link to the right.

Keep an eye on your mailboxes in August, as that's when our next Courier will be out.  This will include information on registration.  As always, if you'd like to receive the Courier by email, let Ryan know at

We hope everyone has a great summer!!  See you all in the fall!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Graduation/Crossover Ceremony

Don't forget our biggest event of the year!!  Our Graduation and webelos crossover ceremony will take place this Saturday, June 8 from 3-6pm at the Elementary School.  (We have allotted 3 hours for the event, but it's very likely that it won't take that long) Boys will receive all their advancements they've worked on since the Blue and Gold and we'll bind a very fond farewell to our Webelos 2 den as they cross over to Boy Scout Troop 118.  It's been a long, busy year so come celebrate with us as we bring it to a close!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Memorial Day

This is just a reminder to everyone that this coming Monday, May 27th, is the town's annual Memorial Day parade.  We will be meeting at the elementary school (NOT the church) between 8:30 and 8:45am.  Boys that are marching should be in full uniform and wearing comfy shoes.  The parade route goes to the cemetary on New Braintree road, around the common, and up to the American Legion.  It usually ends around 11am or so with snacks and drinks for participants.  We hope to see many cub scouts there to support the holiday. 

On that note, happy Memorial Day to all those that are serving, have served, are planning on serving, and for all the families of those men and women.  We hope everyone has a safe, happy, and fun holiday weekend!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Upcoming Campout

Our Annual spring campout will be taking place this upcoming weekend, May 18-19.  This will be held at the North Brookfield Town Beach on Lake Lashaway.  We will be joining our neighbors from Pack 128 in North Brookfield for this event and it's been promised to be awesome!  Arrival time is any time after 5pm on Saturday.  (Please eat dinner before arriving, or plan on bringing your own to the campout) Departure on Sunday is any time in the morning.  This is a family event, so everyone is encouraged to attend the fun!  We will have a campfire, (with s'mores, of course!) songs, skits, even a polar bear plunge for those crazy enough to brave the cold lake in the morning.  Breakfast and snacks will be provided.  There is no cost for the event, but we do need a headcount for breakfast purposes.  Please contact Ryan as soon as possible with how many in your family will be attending.  As always, Webelos are allowed to camp without an adult, but every other scout attending will need a parent present. 

Let's put the "outing" back in "scouting"!! 
Join us!!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Chuckwagon Event at Treasure Valley

This is the last call for any cub scouts that want to attend the chuckwagon event at Treasure Valley on Saturday, May 11. 

What is the Chuckwagon?  It's a fun council wide event where scouts go around the valley pulling a wagon and visiting various "towns" (think Western themed...).  At each town, the boys are asked to participate in some sort of scouting skill.  Once they complete the task as a team, they are allowed to move to the next town.  As they're traveling, they have the chance to catch "bandits" that are roaming around.  It's a fun way to spend the day and a great way to show some Pack 118 pride!  This event will being at 9am, with registration being at the Valley starting around 8:15 or so.  It will wrap up around 3:30.  Scouts are asked to wear either their scout uniform or cowboy/western costume.  NO WEAPONS will be allowed!!  There will be no cost, as the pack has decided to treat everyone to this event.  Lunch and a patch will be provided.  Any adults planning on attending will have to purchase or bring their own lunch.  Boys should all bring a water bottle, filled of course!  Bug spray and sunblock (not that it will be sunny) are also a good thought for this event as well.
If you'd like more information, please contact Kim Churchill, the event coordinator for our pack at 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Pack 118--Olympic Champions!

Congratulations to all the Pack 118 boys and adults that helped win the Olympics last night!  Even though we outnumbered our competitors, Pack 128 from North Brookfield gave a good fight!  In the end, our boys were strong enough to win the pack vs pack tug of war!  We would like to thank Pack 128 Cubmaster, Brian Lamy, for being such a good sport and for coordinating his pack with our event.  Here are some highlights from the events:

If anyone else has pictures from last night that you'd like to share, please feel free to send them to Ryan at  We would love to post more!

It was mentioned last night that Pack 118 will be taking part in the Mohegan Council Chuckwagon event on Saturday May 11.  This takes place at Treasure Valley and is tons of fun for the boys.  Groups of boys go around the valley and do stations each with a different scout skill.  If you're interested in attending, please contact Ryan. 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Earth Day & Cub Olympics

Just a reminder that we are participating in an Earth Day service project at the Rock House on Sunday April 21 from 9-1pm.  We are looking for volunteers to come help us out! 

Tuesday, April 23 is our first annual Cub Olympics with North Brookfield Pack 128!  This will be held on the town common from 6:30-7:30pm.  We are asking all boys to wear their Pack 118 t-shirts and hats.  We have planned many fun games for everyone to participate in--even adults!  Keep your fingers crossed for a warm sunny evening!  In the event of heavy rain, Tigers and Webelos 1 will have regular den meetings at the school.  Wolves, please contact your leaders for a backup plan.  The Olympics will not be rescheduled if canceled because of heavy rain.  We hope to see everyone there so we can show Pack 128 how much fun scouting in West Brookfield can be!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Just a reminder to anyone who wishes to attend summer camp at the discounted Early Bird price...April 19th is the cutoff for this pricing!  Amy will be going out to council that afternoon to turn in our registration form, so it's important that you fill out the registration form that was sent to you (via cub scout courier) and get it back to Amy with your payment ASAP.  This applies to any week of day camp as well as the first week of Webelos Resident Camp.  You may register after that date, but the cost goes up $40. Please DO NOT send any registration forms in to the council office!! If you have any questions, please contact Amy at

Pack 118 has been invited to join in an Earth Day cleanup at the Rock House Reservation on Route 9 in town.  This is taking place on Sunday, April 21st from 9-1pm.  We are looking for boys and their families to join the effort!  Conservation/service projects are an important part of the scouting program and it's something we never seem to do enough of.  If you are interested in joining us, please arrive at the Rock House for 9am on that Sunday wearing your Pack 118 hat and tshirt.  Please don't wear nice uniforms as they will probably get messy!  Let's all give back to a wonderful place that's given so much to us!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Scout Day at Old Sturbridge Village

This is just a reminder that Saturday, April 6th, is Boy Scout Day at Old Sturbridge Village.  This event takes place all day long and includes special activities for the boys that are related to their badge work.  This is also the night we have scheduled for our sleepover event at OSV.  Those folks that registered should plan on meeting at the village for 6:30.  Our special program begins at 7pm.  We are to meet at the Education Building.  For those of you who just want to attend the Boy scout day, we encourage you to do so.  It's a great time for everyone.  Please remember that if you do attend, WEAR YOUR UNIFORM!! 

Have fun everyone!

Also, a quick reminder that everyone should have received a camp registration form with your April Cub Scout Courier.  If your scout is planning on attending week 1 of Webelos Camp or any week of day camp, this form must be filled out and returned to Amy by April 18th at the very latest in order to take advantage of the early bird discounted price.  If you have any questions, please email Amy at

Saturday, March 30, 2013

The War is Almost Over...

This coming week will be the last week for our penny wars and our can drive!  Please make sure if you have any change that you'd like to contribute, bring it to your meeting this week.  Coins will be tallied and the results will be revealed sometime the following week.  It's going to be a close battle...

We also want to remind everyone that we will be walking in the Walk of Champions this year on Sunday, May 5th.  This will be our 3rd year walking and we're hoping to draw a big crowd.  Last year we raised just about $1800 so we're hoping to reach $2000 this year.  The money raised goes toward cancer patients and families through Mary Lane Hospital.  Please let Amy Gray know if you'd like to participate.  (

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Happy Easter Pack 118!

From everyone at Pack 118, we want to wish everyone a very Happy Easter!  May everyone take this time to enjoy the day with family and friends. 

Old Sturbridge Village update...

Saturday, April 6 is Boy Scout day at OSV.  If you want more information, please check out the link below. 

April 6 is also the night we have our scheduled sleepover for those families that registered for it.  Here is the link to all the information you need for that.

If you find that you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Ryan at

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Pinewood This Saturday!

Are you ready for some racing fun????  Our pinewood derby is being held this Saturday, March 16, from 3-5pm in the cafeteria. 
Everyone is asked to join us on Friday the 15th at some point between 6 & 8pm to get your car checked in and registered so we can get right down to business on Saturday.  Remember that all cars need to weigh 5oz (no more, no less).  If you're close, Friday night will be a piece of cake!  We will simply weigh the car on our official scale, give you a number, and send you on your way.  We will garage all cars until Saturday afternoon to insure nothing happens that will damage them before the big race.  We will have materials on hand to add/subtract weight if needed.  If you cannot make the Friday check-in, please plan on arriving at the derby by 2:30 so we can get the car checked in. 

We will be racing dens together, meaning that tigers will race tigers, wolves race wolves, etc.  Once your den's race begins, we cannot add cars, so it's important that everyone arrive on time. 

Everyone needs to remember that this is a Cub Scout event and as along as our scouts do their best, they are all winners.  Good sportsmanship is a MUST and anyone displaying anything other than that may be asked to leave.  The decision of the judges is the official decision and it must be respected. 
It's not about being the best, it's about doing your best!

Good luck to all our racers!  (And don't forget to bring your pennies...)

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Last call for OSV!!

We're down to the last few days before our Old Sturbridge Village reservation period is closed.  If you are interested in going (we're sleeping over April 6-7) and haven't signed up yet, please email Ryan at  We need to know who is going and we also need an emergency contact name and number.  Our completed roster needs to be sent to OSV this weekend so we need to know by Friday March 8th.  We will continue to accept payment for the trip until next Tuesday, the 12th.  The cost is $15 for each scout and $35 for anyone else attending.  Checks can be made out to Pack 118.  We have opened the offer up to include siblings, however, it is a strict rule of the village that everyone must be age 6 or over.  Webelos are allowed to stay alone, but every other scout needs to have a parent present. 

This is a fun weekend for everyone involved, so we strongly encourage participation.  Your fee does include admission to the park either Saturday April 6 (which is scout day!) or Sunday April 7th.  We get a private, lantern lit tour of the village, special hands on programs, and a unique experience of sleeping at the village. 

We will email more detailed information some time next week to those families that registered, so please watch for that.  Other than that, if you have questions, please let us know!


Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Registrations are Due!!

This is a reminder that all registration forms and payment are due next Friday, March 8th, for those of you interested in attending our Old Sturbridge Village overnighter.  If you need another form, please email Ryan at and he can email you one.  Since we haven't received any reservations yet, we are opening our invitation up to include siblings.  Please make sure they are included on the registration form and in your payment.  Once we receive your payment, we will email you with more detailed information.  We CANNOT accept registrations after our March 8th deadline, as we have to turn in paperwork to OSV that weekend.  Your best option is to bring your paperwork and payment to Tuesday's den meetings and give them to Ryan or Amy.  If you are in our bear den, or won't be at scouts, you can mail them via snail mail or drop them off to:

Pack 118
c/o Ryan LaRoche
131 New Braintree Rd
West Brookfield, MA 01585

Checks may be made out to Pack 118. 

Also, our penny wars are getting hot, hot, HOT!!  The wolf den is taking a considerable lead and will begin filling jug number 2 next week!  Penny Wars and our can CAMPaign will continue through the entire month of March, so save your coins and your cans!!!

Don't forget to be working on your Pinewood Derby cars!!  The district pinewood derby is Saturday, March 9th from 1-3pm in Charlton.  If you are interested in attending, please email Ryan.  Our pinewood is the following weekend, so get going!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Old Sturbridge Village Overnight

Hopefully by now you've all received your February edition of the Cub Scout Courier!  Included, you should have found a registration form for an overnight trip to Old Sturbridge Village.  We want to remind everyone that we have less than a month left to register for this awesome event!  This will be taking place on Saturday, April 6-Sunday, April 7th.  The cost is $15 for each cub scout and $35 for each adult.  (If you check out the link below, you will find that the OSV site says the price is higher.  The pack is cutting the cost for everyone to attend) Webelos do not have to have an adult with them overnight, but everyone else does.  The cost includes any program materials, a late night snack, breakfast in the morning, and admission to the park on either Saturday April 6 (which is a special OSV scout day) or Sunday, April 7th.   We only have a total of 50 slots available, so if you'd like to attend, please sign up soon!  You can mail the bottom of your registration form to Ryan LaRoche, 131 New Braintree Rd, West Brookfield, MA 01585.  Please include your payment.  Checks can be made out to "Pack 118".  Or you can simply give the form and payment to your den leader at your meetings.  We need to pay our balance to OSV 4 weeks before our arrival, so we need all registrations and fees in to us NO LATER THAN MARCH 8th!!!  We will allow siblings to join us if we can't fill all 50 slots. (we'll let everyone know on March 1st if there's room) There's a spot on the registration form if you'd like to "reserve" spots for them.  Again, it's a first come, first served registration. 

Check this link out for more information!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Penny for your Thoughts?

Penny Wars are really starting to heat up!  The Webelos 1 den did some sneaking around at last night's den meetings dropping silver into unsuspecting buckets.  There's even talks of a pact of sorts between our tigers and Webelos 2 dens.  Which den will have the most pennies?  Only time will tell...

Keep bringing your loose change to den meetings and pack events!  Penny jugs will be out at every den meeting.  Remember that every single cent raised will be divided between the boys in each den to put toward summer camp.  It may not end up being a lot, but every little bit will help. 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Thanks for Coming!

We would like to thank everyone for attending last night's Blue and Gold Banquet celebration!  Even though we only had 16 scouts, the birthday spirit was high!  Our evening was dedicated to three fallen Tiger Cubs: Chase Kowalski and Benjamin Wheeler (2 of the Sandy Hook victims) and Dominic Brown of North Brookfield.  Our own tigers each lit a candle in memory of these young boys. 

Another thank you goes out to everyone who brought a dish for our meal.  Everything was delicious!  We truly appreciate the time and effort that went into preparing those dishes.  Congratulations to all the boys on the hard work that was done to earn the advancements that were given out!  Keep up the good work! 

Our next pack event will be our Pinewood Derby on March 16.  The cars are a lot more involved than the rockets, so the sooner you start working, the better off you'll be.  Remember that ALL cars MUST be build according to the rules on our Pinewood Derby Rules page on this blog.  If you have any questions, don't hesitate to email Ryan at

Monday, January 28, 2013

Blue and Gold RSVP List

As promised, here's our current list of what families are bringing to the Blue and Gold on Saturday.  If you are not yet on the list and are planning on attending, please email Ryan at to RSVP. 

The Long Family---pasta salad
The Atwood Family--asparagus rolls
The Churchill Family--spanish rice
The Otero Family--pork shoulder
The Wetteland Family--meatballs
The Lucia Family--Salad
The Czaja Family--salad or italian sandwich
The St. Francis Family--baked pasta
The Bousquet Family--sweet & sour kielbasa
The Moran Family--chicken pot pie
The Osborne Family--sweet & sour kielbasa
The LaRoche Family--baked beans & broccoli salad
The Routhier Family--mac & cheese
The Mazzarese Family--salad
The Sickenberger Family--Strawberry salad

Thank you to everyone who has signed up!  Remember this event is being held Saturday, February 2, from 5-8pm at the WB Elementary School.  Hope to see everyone there!

Thursday, January 24, 2013


Congratulations to every boy that attended our space derby Tuesday night!  The rockets looked great and went awesome!!  Hopefully everyone had a great time!  Everyone who attended received a pinewood derby kit.  Our pinewood derby will be held on Saturday, March 16, so plan accordingly.  Cars take a lot more time than the rockets!  Evan from den 3 won the spirit stick for the Webelos 1 den!  Great job!!! (Den leaders will have cars for those boys that did not attend and extra cars will be available for $5 for those parents and siblings that wish to race)

Time to start thinking about our next event...the Blue and Gold banquet!  This will take place on
 Saturday, February 2, 2013
 at West Brookfield Elementary School. 
In the past we've had it at Quaboag HS, but with a smaller pack this year, we're keeping it at home.  We will begin promptly at
 5pm and run until about 8pm.
  This event is to celebrate the birth of cub scouting and to applaud our boys for a great year so far.  We'll hand out advancements, the boys will perform songs and skits, we'll hand out summer camp information, and our penny wars "fundraiser" will begin.  We will also have a charter presentation done by our Council and District leaders and we'll all enjoy a potluck dinner. 

We would like everyone to RSVP by January 30 at the very latest.  We need to know how many people from your family will attend as well as what dish you'd like to share.  (no desserts or beverages, please) A list of who is bringing what will be posted within a day or 2.

  This is an important night for our boys so everyone is encouraged to attend.  All boys and leaders should be in full uniform and be proud to wear it! 

Happy Birthday, Cub Scouts!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Space Derby 2013!!

Only a week to go before our much anticipated Space Derby 2013!!  Hopefully all the boys have gotten their rockets started.  If not, start now!  They don't take long to make, but it's not a night before type of project.  If you notice that you are missing pieces or if you simply need some help putting the motor together, bring your rocket to the school at 6pm on race day so someone can help you.  We are hoping to start right at 6:30 to keep things on time, but we can't do that if we're putting together everyone's rockets.  Please come early for assistance!!  Don't forget to check our previous post for step by step directions that might help you as well. 
Our spirit stick will be awarded to the den that has the fastest rocket, eliminating one single boy as a "winner".  Any boy who does his best and builds his rocket is a winner!!  No trophies or awards will be given out.  (We know that some boys need to be told this ahead of time in order to curb disappointment!) We expect that everyone will show good sportsmanship so that everyone will have a great time!! 

Our Blue and Gold Banquet is coming up on February 2nd.  We are holding a potluck meal as we have in years past.  We have begun compiling a list of what families will be bringing and ask that everyone attending please email Ryan ( to let him know how many people will attend for your family and what your dish will be.  An updated list will be posted here soon. 

Good luck everyone!  See you Tuesday night!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Upcoming Events

This is just a quick reminder about some of our upcoming events. 

Saturday, January 19th at 7pm is the Scout night at the Worcester Sharks game.  We only have 4 families signed up to go, but it's going to be a great time anyway.  Ryan will be picking up the tickets on Friday and will pass them out to everyone next week. 

Tuesday, January 22 at 6:30 is our Space Derby!  Hopefully everyone has started working on the rockets by  now.  Please see our previous post for detailed directions on how to do that.  Please remember that we're using 3 elastics in the rocket! 

Saturday, February 2 at 5pm is our Annual Blue and Gold Banquet.  We're having a pot luck dinner again this year and are beginning to compile our list of dishes.  Please comment on this post or email Ryan at with the dish you'd like to contribute.  We are looking for meals and side dishes.  No desserts or beverages please! 

Keep checking back for more detailed information as the events draw near.  If you haven't already, check your email for the January edition of the Cub Scout Courier.  It was emailed out this month so information would arrive in time for the boys to work on their rockets.  February's newsletter will once again be mailed to everyone who usually receives it that way. 


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Space Derby Assembly

We promised and now we've delivered!  Hopefully these photos of Nathen putting together his rocket will help you all put yours together.  Remember that our space derby is Tuesday, January 22, even though there is no school!  If you're still unsure of how to put the "motor" together, bring the rocket to scouts on Tuesday the 15th and see Ryan or Amy for assistance.  Don't forget that you can email Ryan any time at if you have questions. 

First, start off with your 2 blocks of wood and some wood glue.  Have your scout put a line of glue down both sides, but not so much that it oozes out the side.  Making sure the same size holes line up, place the 2 pieces together.  Your rocket should now look like the photo to the right.  The small hole will be the front of the rocket, the larger will be the back.

Now it's time to shape the rocket.  The easiest (and safest!) way we've found is to use a vegetable peeler.  This is balsa wood which makes it very soft.  Please do not allow the boys to use pocket knives or electric sanders for this.  Those will only destroy the wood. Truly, the peeler works amazing!  After the basic shape is there, sand it smooth! 

Mom or Dad can step in at this point.  A notch needs to be made in the top of the rocket for the hanger to fit in.  Any kind of sharper object can be used: pocket knife, butter knife, even the side of the hanger piece itself will work.  Be sure not to make the notch too big or the hanger will not fit well.  This piece is super important as it's the piece that will hold the rocket to the "race track" on race day.  Glue this piece in place with the rounded part facing the front (toward the small hole) Make sure it's glued in well!  If if comes out on race day, chances are the rocket won't be able to be raced.  We did this part before painting in hopes that the paint will act as an extra way to help hold it in place. 

Your scout can get creative with this next step.  There are 3 plastic pieces in the kit that are designated for fins.  He can draw whatever shape he'd like on these pieces.  (obviously use pencil in case it needs to be erased)  He can cut them out and affix them after he's painted the rocket.  He can feel free to use sharpies to decorate the fins or he can even paint them.  That's totally up to him.  We won't show this step since Nathen wants to keep his finished product a secret, but they are easy to attach.  Just cut a small slit in the rocket and using wood glue, glue the fins on.  They can go just about anywhere on the rocket. 

Here's where Mom or Dad will come in once again.  This step is mega important and for some crazy reason, they don't really go over it in the instructions that come with the kit.  The way the space derby motor works is this:  there are the 3 elastics inside that will get wound up.  Once we let the propeller go, the rocket flies down a line of fishing line.  In order for the elastics to do their job, one end must be held in place.  This step will allow that to happen.  On the back of the rocket (large hole end, remember!) you will have to cut a notch to hold the little white dowel in place once the propeller is released.  First, hold the dowel where the notch should go, roughly in the middle of the back.  Mark where you are going to cut out.  Using a pocket knife cut out little grooves that are the same size as the dowel.  Hollow them out just enough so that the dowel will stay in place.  Too much bigger and the dowel can

pop out causing the rocket to malfunction on the line.  The elastic will be wound around this part once you finish assembling the entire thing.  DO NOT glue or otherwise permanately affix this part to the rocket.  We may have to do some maintenace to the rocket on race day and if this gets glued down, there's not a whole lot we can do to fix the rocket.  The final picture shows how the dowel should fit in the holes.   

Now it's time to assemble your motor and propeller pieces.  The following photo shows all the pieces you'll need to do this step.  

First thing to do is to take the metal piece with the "o" at the end and the little red tube.  The tube should slide quite nicely over the metal piece.  Before sliding the tube on, however, you will need to cut about 1/4 inch off the end of it as this has to be threaded through the propeller.  The picture below shows the tube on the wire PRIOR to being cut.  It's much easier to cut yours first!  Make sure the entire hook part is covered.  This is what will protect your elastics from being damaged. 
Next step: assembly! Lay your pieces out as shown below.  Do note 2 things: the little tiny brass bushing that is right above the white knob and the propeller...the middle of the propeller has 2 sides to it-a smoother, rounder side, and a flat side.  Make sure the flat side is the side facing away from everything else.  The little bushing should fit snugly inside the little white knob.
Thread the metal piece through everything.  If it doesn't fit all the way thru because of the red tube, feel free to cut more off, but only tiny pieces at a time.  (you can see how our red tube is shorter in this photo since it's been cut)  The picture below shows the unit just before the propeller is added on. 
This is the flat part that should be facing out when the propeller is aded.  Remember--round side in!
Now the propeller is added on.  Give it a spin!  It should go around relatively freely.  The next step seems pretty simple, but is actually very important.  The wire needs to be bent down over the propeller ( a pair of pliers works the best for this.  Just be careful not to bend any more than just the end).  This wire is what will allow us to wind the elastics on race day.  If it's not secure enough, we will be winding the rocket but the elastics will keep coming undone.  To know it's done right, after you've bent the wire down, you shouldn't be able to spin the propeller while holding the hook.

Now all that's left is to attach the elastics!  Remember that we're using 3 elastics and 3 elastics only.  Using only 2 won't propel it enough and more than 3 will just jam up.  If you want to soak your elastics in a lubricant (castor oil is recommended) feel free to do so a day before the race. 
They simply slide into the hook part of the metal piece with the red tube.  Make sure to only do 1 at a time so as to not overstretch the elastic.  To put the entire thing together (and again, Nate wanted to keep his a secret so we're not showing any more photos) you'll need a special "device" to help thread the elastics through the rocket.  What we use is a metal coat hanger flattened so it fits through the rocket.  The hook can catch the elastics and pull them through the rocket.  The white knob should fit snugly in the small hole at the front of the rocket.  DO NOT glue in place!!  Wind the elastics around the dowel, put the dowel in the notches at the back, and you're ready to go! 

Your scout should be able to do most of these steps on his own.  Let him get creative with the painting and the fins.  If he wants to put a number on it, he may.  Just be aware, however, that he may end up getting a different "official" number on race day.  Feel free to google "cub scout space derby" to get other ideas and tips.  Our plan is to have this be a den race and not an individual race, so there will be no single winners.  Our top den will be the proud recipient of our spirit stick! 

It may be tempting for boys to keep winding the propeller to see how fast it goes.  Please discourage boys from doing this!!  The more they play with it, the weaker the elastics become and less effective they will be during races.  Remember to bring your extra elastic to the derby--just in case!

Please remember that if you have any questions, either email or call Ryan or bring your rocket and parts to your den meeting on Tuesday the 15th for assistance.  Happy building everyone!